X244 - .tsv Files

How to open .tsv files for X244

Written By JJ Combs (Super Administrator)

Updated at February 11th, 2021


X244 produces .tsv files which are not automatically associated with Excel in Windows 10.


1. In Colleague UI, enter the criteria in X244 and click 'Save All' and then 'Download':

2. When opening the file, Windows 10 may not have Excel associated with the corresponding .tsv file.  If that is the case, you will see the following window.  Click 'More apps':

3. To associate Excel, click 'Look for another app on this PC'.

4. Browse to find the 'excel.exe' file on the PC.  As of the writing of this article, presuming you have Office 365 installed, this is the path:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\root\Office16.  Double click 'EXCEL.EXE'.

5. Now, on the window to open the file, choose Excel and make sure the 'Always use this app to open .tsv files' box is checked.  Click OK.  Now .tsv files will be associated with Excel and should open normally going forward.