Grade categories are great for grouping activities together, calculating subtotals, making special calculations such as weights and ability to drop the lowest score in the category.
Step 1: From the course main page, click on Grades at the top.
Step 2: Using your mouse, click on Grader report (2a) then select Gradebook setup (2b) from the drop down
Step 3: Click on Add category at the top of the page.
Step 4: Grade Category : Enter the Category name such as Homework, Quizzes, Tests….
Aggregation - determines how the grades will be combined
- Natural - the sum of all grades / straight points (default)
- Weighted mean - each grade item can be given a weight to change the importance of the overall mean.
- Simple weighted - The difference between Weighted mean is that the wight of each item has its Maximum grade.
- Highest grade - result in the highest grade after normalization.
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- Exclude empty grades - if there is not a score for the activity entered, the activity is excluded from the overall score.
- Drop the lowest - enables a specific number of grades to be excluded from the overall score.
Step 5: Default Natural aggregation, will not allow any changes to the Maximum grade, the aggregation is set to add everything up.
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- Item info - Enter information about the grade item that is not displayed anywhere else.
- ID number - Setting ID Numbers for extra grade calculations and custom reporting.
- Grade to pass - Will change the color of the grade, red=fail Green=pass .
- Grade display type -determines how the grade will be displayed on grader report (real, letter, percentage or any combination of them together.
Overall decimal places - determines how many decimal places after the zero.
- Moodle will continue to use the 5th decimal place when figuring grades despite your setting.
- Hidden until - Will hide the grade item until that date and time.
- Lock after - lock after will not allow you to grade after the date.
- Grade type - None= no grade, Value = Numerical value with a min/max, Scale = Not used, Text= feedback only
- Maximum Grade - The most a student could get on this grade item.
- Minimum Grade - typically set to zero, its the lowest score a student could get, even if they do not do the activity.
- Hidden - will hide the grade item from the student
- Lock - Will not allow you to enter a grade for anyone
Step 6: Parent Category - ability to have categories inside other categories.
Weight adjusted - will allow you to set the weight and prevent the weight from automatically being adjusted.
- Weight - a value used to determine the relative value of multiple grade items in a category or course
- Parent category - Decide what category this category will live under - you do have the ability to have a category inside another category
- Save Changes - when finished