Ellucian Training: Colleague Introduction

Tips & Tricks on Navigating Colleague

Written By Tony Wickham (Super Administrator)

Updated at April 28th, 2022

Here is a youtube playlist going over general navigation of the application. The video should cover this, but you can look through the navigate button at the top of the Colleague application to view the different types of screens you have access to.

You can access Colleague by logging into the Bruin Portal, selecting Employee, and then Colleague UI. Please note you will only be able to utilize Colleague while on the staff network. What this means is you will only be able to load it on instructor stations. Lab or wi-fi connected computers will not work. If Colleague access is needed on a different device, please submit a new work order for VPN access for your device.

You will want to check with your supervisor and/or peers to determine the best use case for the Colleague application in your specific role.