Tony Wickham

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Updated January 3rd, 2025 by Tony Wickham

Changing Document Types

If you encounter a document that is filed as the incorrect document type, please correct it. Follow the steps below: Have the Document open in Etrieve that you wish to change types. Click the drop down arrow in the Document Type field.  Start typing the name of the document type you wish to change to, or scroll through the list to find it.  Select t...

0 min reading time
Updated September 8th, 2021 by Tony Wickham

Students missing on Change of Grade Etrieve Form

The Change of Grade form in Etrieve is dynamic, and pulls from Colleague data. Once you have taught a class you will have access to the form forevermore - however, you must be designated on X215 for the sections you wish to change grades for. This data sync happens overnight, so you will need to be added to X215 at least a day prior to the date you ...

0 min reading time
Updated August 29th, 2024 by Tony Wickham

Generate a student contact list

Note: The mnemonics mentioned in this article, XI10 and XI14 are required to perform this process. If you do not have access to either of these screens, please have your suervisor submit an IRT Work Order requesting access. Use XI10 to generate a savedlist 1) Enter XI10 in the form search to bring up process XI10 - Student or Course.Sections List 2)...

1 min reading time
Updated April 22nd, 2021 by Tony Wickham

Moving Etrieve Documents

Follow the steps below: Have the Document open in Etrieve that you wish to move to another student record. Click into the Student Info field on the right hand side in the Key Fields section.  Blank out this value, then start typing the k-ID (without the k).  Select the student from the drop down list. The document will move as soon as you select the...

0 min reading time
Updated April 22nd, 2021 by Tony Wickham

Etrieve Quick Reference Guide

Download the following pdf for a quick reference guide on common Etrieve features such as annotations, image cleaning, scanning, attaching pages, and advanced searches.  Etrieve Content Quick Reference Guide.pdf...

0 min reading time
Updated January 3rd, 2025 by Tony Wickham

Duplicate Students in Etrieve

Occasionally, someone will scan a document without using the screen scraping feature in autofile, and enter the student ID number with a k when scanning a document. This creates two students in the system, as the screen scraping is configured to only capture the ID number without the k (see below). At this time, the only staff who have access to del...

0 min reading time
Updated April 28th, 2022 by Tony Wickham

Ellucian Training: Colleague Introduction

Here is a youtube playlist going over general navigation of the application. The video should cover this, but you can look through the navigate button at the top of the Colleague application to view the different types of screens you have access to. You can access Colleague by logging into the Bruin Portal, selecting Employee, and then Colleague UI....

0 min reading time
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