Generate a student contact list

How to generate a contact list of enrolled students using Colleague

Written By Tony Wickham (Super Administrator)

Updated at August 29th, 2024

Note: The mnemonics mentioned in this article, XI10 and XI14 are required to perform this process. If you do not have access to either of these screens, please have your suervisor submit an IRT Work Order requesting access.

Use XI10 to generate a savedlist

1) Enter XI10 in the form search to bring up process XI10 - Student or Course.Sections List

2) Enter the letter "S" in the first field. This tells the process you want student id numbers in your saved list. 

3) Enter any other limiting criteria. For example, if you want students registered in the Fall 2021 term, you would enter 21/FA here. Reference the process help for XI10 for a description of other limiting criteria on the screen.

4) Enter your savedlist name in the savedlist out field. You will want to remember this savedlist name. Note: Do not use spaces in your savedlist name

5) If you have additional limiting criteria that are not on the screen, enter a Yes in the additional selection criteria field. This will limit the selection based on the field name, operators, and values you enter in the next screen. Note: Only use this option if you know how the data elements are being used and stored in the colleague database.

6) Save the form and update record, once the process completes the records will be written to your savedlist name that you entered.

Use XI14 to download a contact list 

1) Enter XI14 in the form search to bring up process XI14 - Download Person List to PC

2) In the Savedlist name field, enter the savedlist you created in XI10

3) If you would like to add ID, Email, Phone Number, or Birth Month to the download enter a yes in those fields. Address information for mailing is always included in the download regardless of what options you select here.

4) Save the form and update record, once the file completes you will get a prompt to download the csv file.