Search and Register for Classes

How to Search and Register for courses

Written By Ron Coller (Administrator)

Updated at June 27th, 2023

Step 1: Open an internet browser (Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari) and go to

Bruin Portal Login button

Step 2: Login to the Bruin Portal using your KCC email address and Password.

Sign in image

Step 3: From the Bruin Portal home screen, there are two ways to search for sections. 

  1. Click on Search for Classes from the web part on the right. 
  2. Click on the Academics (graduation cap) and then Search For Classes (2a).
Search for classes image

Step 4: From the Search for Courses and Courses Sections, there are a few different ways of searching

  1. Search for a specific course
  2. Enter a subject to search
  3. Click on a subject from the list
Search for courses or section image

Step 5: Once you have searched for a the subject;

  1. Select the  Term on the left side of the screen  
  2. Click on View Available Sections for (course)

*Note the “Add course to Plan” is designed for future semesters as a place holder on when to take your courses. This is not section specific. 

Step 6: Once you have located the course that best fits your schedule, click on Add Section to Schedule

*Note: the “Add course to Plan” is designed for future semesters as a place holder on when to take your courses.

Add section to schedule image

Step 7: A pop-up window will appear for you to verify all the section details and show any prerequisites. Click Add Section to add it to your plan. 

*Note: Adding the section to the schedule puts the course on your Plan. 
  Planned courses are not registered. 

Add section image

Step 8: On the left side of the screen click on 

  1. Academics (graduation cap image)
  2. Student Planning
  3. Plan & Schedule
Plan and schedule image

Step 9: To register for all sections at once, click on Register Now, located at the top right of the screen. Or there is a Register button under each course listed on the left side of the screen. 

*Note: Online courses do not show on the calendar as they do not have a specific meeting time. They are at the very bottom of the screen. 

register now image


Now that you have successfully Registered for courses you will need to setup a Payment Plan 


Visual representation of Registered, Planned and Conflicting courses.  

  • Registered courses are green in color
  • Planned courses are yellow in color
  • Conflicting courses are red in color